
1. Copyright and Trademark Laws: OBMETRA.COM has obtained permission to use all images and videos on the website and registered its logo and name as trademarks per UAE intellectual property laws.

2. Data Privacy and Security Laws: We have implemented robust security measures to protect user data, including encryption and firewalls. The website's privacy policy clearly explains how user data is collected, used, and stored under the UAE's data protection laws.

3. E-Commerce Laws: We are fully compliant with all e-commerce laws in the UAE, including consumer protection laws, tax laws, and payment processing regulations. The website has a secure checkout process and clearly states its return and refund policies.

4. Advertising Laws: All advertisements on OBMETRA.COM are truthful, not misleading, and comply with UAE advertising laws. The website clearly states the nature of any sponsored content or paid advertisements.

5. Maritime Laws: OBMETRA.COM regularly updates its information on maritime laws and regulations in the UAE to ensure that it is accurate and up-to-date. The website provides information on maritime law to assist its users but does not provide legal advice or services.